Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find all the frequently asked questions and answers.
Texture Pack
"My texture pack isn't installing."
(Tutorial available in the #tutorials channel on Discord.)
Disconnect from the server.
Go back to your Multiplayer server list.
Click once on MinePiece.
Press the "Edit" button.
Set the "Resource Pack" box to Enabled.
"I see Ender Dragon bars on my screen/I can't see my health bar."
(Tutorial available in the #tutorials channel on Discord.)
In display settings, increase your GUI scale to 3.
In Lunar settings, search for "Boss Bar" and disable 'Use Custom Boss Bar' to set the scale to the maximum.
Adjust the Ender Dragon bar via "Edit HUD Layout" to align the health and power bars correctly.
"How can I move the chest on my island?"
Use the command /is cm to move the animated chest on your island.
"How can I break my spawner?"
Use a pickaxe with the Silk Touch enchantment to break a spawner and retrieve it in your inventory.
"How can I invite someone to my island?"
Use the command /is invite [player's username] to invite a friend to your island.
"How can I leave my island to join a friend's?"
Use the command /is leave if other players are present on your island.
Otherwise, use the command /is delete. Don't forget to retrieve your equipment before leaving!
Auction House
"How can I sell an item in /ah?"
Hold the item in hand and type the command /ah sell followed by the price (without spaces).
"Where can I retrieve the items I purchased?"
In your /ah, on the left, find the "Items to Retrieve" tab to locate your recent purchases.
"I'm looking for a specific item in /ah, how can I find it?"
Use the command /ah search inname:<first word of the item> to filter offers in /ah.
Other Questions
"Where can I find my vote keys?"
In your /vote, click on "claim" to find your earned vote keys.
"Where can I sell my duplicate pets?"
Sell your duplicate pets to the Foosha recycler. Be sure to select the items you want to sell.
"How can I change my Devil Fruit?"
To change your fruit, use the command /suicide, then consume another fruit.
"How can I increase my power?"
Increase your power by leveling up your jobs, changing factions, consuming crystals, or using pets.
"How can I prevent the renewal of my premium subscription?"
Click on "Manage Subscription" in the email received during your purchase (email name "MinePiece").
You can also check #tutorials in the Discord, there will be a post called "How Do I Cancel My Premium Subscription?".
Foosha Quests
"Where/How can I break the stone?"
Use a Cobblestone generator on your island (with lava and water) for the Stone quest.
"Where can I find oak trees to chop down?"
Plant oak saplings on your island to obtain logs.
"Where is Boss Higuma located?"
On MinePiece, all bosses are statues. In the case of Higuma, you can find it near the Foosha crates.
"Where can I find cows?"
You can find cows at spawn, in the lower area of Foosha (near the beach).
Explore other players' /pw to find them.
"How can I get a boat?"
To get your boat, complete story quests on the right side of your screen. Get your boat after completing Chapter II quest 17.
"Where can I find wheat?"
For the wheat quest, harvest it in the lower part of Foosha.
You can also plant your own crops on your island.
Orange Town Quests
"Why can't I open the island's crates?"
To open Orange Island crates, upgrade to the Recruit rank with /ranks. Spend 100k Berry and complete Foosha adventure quests.
"What is the Poneglyph?"
The Poneglyph is a large levitating cubic stone, usually near the crates of adventure islands. Buy it and teleport with /adventure.
"Where are the Mini-Bosses on the island?"
Mini-Bosses randomly appear in the city, recognizable by the red label "Mini Boss" above their heads.
"How to complete the apple quest?"
For the apple quest, plant oak trees on your island and wait for the leaves to produce this fruit.
You can also buy apples in /ah, making sure to choose those without a description below.
Baratie Quests
"How do I sell the fish I've caught?"
Use the command /fish shop to sell your custom fish. Select the fish to sell or sell them all.
"Where can I find yellow perch?"
Use the command /fish to get information on fish drop rates, including yellow perch.
"Where can I find rose bushes?"
Buy rose bushes in /shop to prepare dishes for Baratie.
Multiply them using bone meal.
Alabasta Quests
"Where can I find dromedaries?"
Find dromedaries on the heights of the island, on the outskirts of the city.
"How to find suspicious sand?"
Suspicious sand is a sand block with a cracked texture, slightly different from standard sand.
"How to craft the archaeology brush?"
To craft the brush, place a feather, a copper ingot, and a stick in a crafting table, from top to bottom.
Last updated