Island Permissions
Here you will find all the information about island permissions.
Last updated
Here you will find all the information about island permissions.
Last updated
To avoid any issues on an island, permissions assignable to roles/players are available.
These permissions can be managed/modified by using the command /is perms
to modify perms of a role or /is perms [Username]
to modify perms of a player.
In case of permission issues on your islands, we recommend using the command /is perms reset
When you enter permission management commands, a menu will open. It consists of 2 pages to offer you a complete range of permissions.
To assist you in managing permissions, we will later see the list of these and their effects.
To assign/remove a permission to a player, simply click on them.
For roles, you will need to increase (Right-Click) or decrease (Left-Click) the required role to have the permission.
On an island, the available roles are :
Leader > Co-Leader > Moderator > Recruit > Coop > Guest
Here is a detailed study of the permissions available on each page of the menu.
Here are the permissions from the first page of the menu:
Feed Animals: Allows feeding animals and breeding them.
Attack Animals: Allows harming/killing animals.
Shear Animals: Allows shearing sheep/mooshrooms.
Spawn Animals: Allows using an egg to spawn an animal.
Ban Members: Allows using the command /is ban [Username]
Break Blocks: Allows breaking blocks outside of storage.
Place Blocks: Allows placing any type of block.
Change Name: Allows using the command /is rename [Name]
Chest Access: Allows opening storages placed on the island.
Drop Items: Allows dropping items on the ground.
Ender-Pearl: Allows using Ender-Pearls.
Bypass Expulsion: Allows not being expelled from the island.
Expel Player: Allows using the command /is expel [Username]
Jump on Crops: Allows breaking tilled soil by jumping.
Use Bone Meal: Allows using bone meal.
Fish: Allows using fishing rods.
Fly: Allows flying on the island.
Horses: Allows riding horses.
Interact: Allows interacting with blocks like redstone, doors, trapdoors, etc.
Invite Players: Allows using the command /is invite [Username]
Island Chests: Allows opening /is chest
island chests.
Frames: Allows adding/removing an item from a frame.
Kick Member: Allows using the command /is kick [Username]
Leashes: Allows using leashes.
Hit Monsters: Allows harming/killing monsters.
Break Minecarts: Allows breaking minecarts.
Hoppers Minecart: Allows opening hopper minecarts.
Chests Minecart: Allows opening chest minecarts.
Here are the permissions from the second page of the menu:
Place Minecarts: Allows placing minecarts.
Monster Spawn: Allows using a monster egg.
Name-Tag: Allows using a name tag on an animal/monster.
Open Island: Allows using the command /is open
Paintings: Allows interacting with paintings.
Pick Up Drops: Allows picking up items from the ground.
Pick Up Fish: Allows retrieving a fish from a bucket.
Promote Member: Allows using the command /is promote [Username]
View Ratings: Allows using the command /is ratings
Change Biome: Allows using the command /is biome
Change Spawn: Allows using the command /is sethome
Edit Permissions: Allows using the command /is perms
or /is perms [Username]
Edit Roles: Allows using the commands /is promote [Username]
and /is demote [Username]
Edit Settings: Allows using the command /is settings
Remove Ally: Allows using the command /is uncoop [Username]
Signs: Allows interacting with and modifying signs.
Break Spawners: Allows breaking spawners with Silk Touch.
Break Turtle Eggs: Allows breaking turtle eggs.
Use: Allows using buttons, levers, etc.
Break Valuable Blocks: Allows breaking blocks that yield high island levels (Ores, Beacons, etc.).
/is perms