Here you will find all the information about Alabasta Adventure Island.
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Here you will find all the information about Alabasta Adventure Island.
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Alabasta Adventure Island becomes accessible at the rank of "Second". To reach it, take the helm of your ship from any other adventure island and set off in search of new challenges worthy of a true pirate.
While exploring this arid desert, you will face the henchmen of Crocodile, rewarding your exploits with Alabasters, the local currency.
These Alabasters will allow you to open the crate on the island, unlocking essential rewards for your progression. The chest is also available for purchase with gems.
Alabasta is teeming with various enemies, from formidable sailors to Miss Monday, Mister One, and even one of the famous Seven Warlords of the Sea, the dreaded Crocodile.
Fight these henchmen to accumulate job experience and Alabasters needed for your advancement, while collecting cigars, crucial items for quests, as well as Baroque Works armor fragments.
These fragments can be crafted into armor, improving your statistics via the /merchant
The formidable Crocodile, accompanied by Miss Monday and Mister One, reigns as the supreme boss of this adventure island.
In the adventure zone, Crocodile's statue awaits. In exchange for cigars, Alabasters, and berries, summon the boss for an epic battle and reap the resulting rewards.
Take advantage of this island to strengthen your character and progress in your quest to become the Pirate King!
Alabaster: - Crocodile: Quantity -> +3,800 Chance -> 100% - Mister One: Quantity -> +400 Chance -> 100% - Miss Monday: Quantity -> +25 Chance -> 100% - Sailor: Quantity -> +12 Chance -> 100%
Cigar: - Crocodile: Quantity -> x3 Chance -> 100% - Mister One: Quantity -> x1 Chance -> 100% - Miss Monday: Quantity -> x1 Chance -> 100% - Sailor: Quantity -> x1 Chance -> 2%
Bounty : - Crocodile: Quantity -> +6,000 ๐ Chance -> 100%
Silver Berry: - Crocodile: Quantity -> x1 Chance -> 100%
The Alabasta Crate can be obtained by purchasing it for the price of 2,500 Alabasters.
Drop Rate
1x Sale Dials (1.2)
Pet Vivi
Desert Pickaxe
Scepter of Alabasta
Nanashaku Jitte
Job Booster
2x Baroque Works Armor Fragment
Pet Mister One
Straw Fruit
The Premium Alabasta Crate can be obtained by purchasing it for the price of 290 Gems.
Drop Rate
1x Sale Dials (1.4)
Pet Nico Robin
Cobra Pickaxe
Scepter of Alabasta
Sandai Kitetsu
Job Booster
5x Baroque Works Armor Fragment
Pet Crocodile
Sand Fruit
Opening three chests simultaneously is reserved for premium subscription holders.
Alabasta Island offers a new unique activity, expanding your horizons beyond fierce battles.
In Alabasta, you will find a new mine that allows you to extract precious ores, surpassing even the Foosha mine in terms of wealth.
Explore the desert surrounding Alabasta in search of suspicious-looking blocks with a cracked appearance. Equip yourself with an archaeology brush and unearth treasures hidden beneath the arid soil.
Ancient Fabric (20%)
Piece of Pot (20%)
Ancient Fossil (20%)
Plant Bone (17.5%)
Ancient Jewel (17.5%)
Ancient Pottery (3%)
Metallic Artifact (1.5%)
Dinosaur Bone (0.5%)
Alabasta also has a special store where you can buy and/or sell unique items related to your archaeological discoveries. Additionally, you will find a recycler to convert your findings into Alabasters.